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Struggling to lose weight  and want to know...

how to take back control of your health without the confusion and fad diets

Stop Overthinking - Stop Stressing - Stop Failing

Your free gift is on its way to your inbox, but before you go, check out this very special offer just for you!

Don't Let Your Excuses Stop You From Reaching Your Full Potential.
Be Powerful and Relentless

Every year there is an increasing number of people being hospitalised due to the global obesity epidemic. This is especially concerning due to the respiratory and heart issues obesity carries with it. 

Studies have shown that over 30% of the world's population is obese! Over 2 Billion People Worldwide! Don't let yourself be a statistic and take control now!


  • Type 2 diabetes (415 million people diagnosed worldwide)
  • Emotional and mental baggage (serious depression)
  • Higher blood pressure and high cholesterol
  • ​Greater risk of heart disease or stroke
  • ​Sleep apnea, low energy, and low self-esteem
  • ​Fatty liver or kidney disease or cancer
  • ​Decreased sex drive/sex life


With the sheer amount of conflicting information available, it is completely understandable as to why people try "crash course" diets and eventually find themselves stuck in a yoyo cycle of losing and gaining weight. 

There are plenty of 'weight loss' companies out there that profit from you losing weight only to put it back on once you've finished their system.

You CANNOT only focus on the PHYSICAL aspect of losing weight but you have to pay attention to the MENTAL and EMOTIONAL aspects too. 


There are so many others in the same position as you are now, each struggling with their own motivations and physical capabilities. 

We understand how difficult it can be to go it alone, and now you don't have to. We specialize in building communities of like-minded people to motivate and push each other to greatness.

Now is the time for you take back control of you life, take the first step to realizing your true power and discovering how strong you can truly become. 

For the past fourteen years we have intensely researched health, fitness and weight-loss. We have combed through articles, completed case studies, trained athletes and guided both men and women through their weight-loss journeys, with one client losing over 
5 stone (76 lbs) in 6 months.

We have done all of the industry research so you don't have to! We have filtered through and condensed down huge amounts of critical information to give YOU exactly what you NEED to start making a positive and sustainable change to your weight. With this information you have the ability to TRANSFORM your life and live a healthy and happy future.

We are on a mission to help people just like you!

  • 30 Day Fitness Programme ($497 value)
  • ​Striking/ MMA Training Videos ($97 value)
  • ​Cardio Training Guide ($47)
  • 28-Day Clean Eating Guide ($47 value)
  • Bonus: Meditation Guide ($47 value)
  • Bonus: Introduction To Martial Arts ($977 value)
  • Bonus: 1-1 Coaching Call ($250 value)
  • ​Bonus: Access To Granite.FIT Premium Community 
  • Bonus: Qualify for Granite.FIT PREMIUM! ($ value)

But I'll Be Honest,
The Journey Hasn't Been Easy!

Do any of this sounds familiar?

  •  You've researched on Google and watched countless Youtube videos but are still not seeing results
  • ​You've read the best-seller diets or tried their diet “tricks” which led to feeling defeated when you didn't see results
  • ​You've compared what health experts and friends on social media say but you just went in circles

    And now you're back to square one...
It is proven that being overweight can have huge repercussions on your hormones and can even directly impact your sex life!

As well as these physical effects, many have lost their self-confidence admitting that this has hugely affected their intimate life. Many comment on how they feel distant from their partners, lacking self-worth, desire and passion.

If that’s you, just know that we have something that can help change it for you in the next 28 days.

With this information you have the ability to TRANSFORM your life and live a healthy and happy future. The 80/20 rule in life suggests we waste most of our time on 80% of things that don't matter...we found the 20% that you ACTUALLY need. 
As soon as we discovered the 20% that makes the difference we gave it to our clients and everything got easier for them. 

With the amount of success we’re seeing in their weight loss, we knew we couldn't keep it to ourselves.

We could no longer stand by knowing how many people around the world were struggling with their weight.

But we don't want to just help the small amount of people in our community, we want to help as many people as possible, all across the globe.
So I’d like to let you in on the “secret”. 

THe Health Hacking vision

Josh Ozanne,
As a professional MMA fighter and full time coach, I've spent over a decade developing, researching and implementing diet and fitness systems for a wide spectrum of clients, which offer sustainable and tailored solutions to a over-complicated industry. 

I've seen a trend of fitness programmes in the industry becoming increasingly more complex in order to try and justify their existence, while completely missing the point of what they are trying to achieve and creating confusion in the people they are trying to 'help'. 

After years of coaching competitive fighters via complex training regimes, what we have come to realise is that basics win fights, and it's the basics that see results. Therefore the simpler the solution, the easier it is to follow and more the consistent the results.

Georgia Blumsom,
After working in the fitness industry for many years, I've always been dedicated to guiding my clients to achieve the results they want to see in a fast and sustainable way. 

I know all too well how the pressures and stress of life can easily get in the way of us taking care of our bodies, and my coaching style takes that into account with all of my clients. I frequently have to dedicate huge amounts of time to cutting weight and training for fights, all while having a full time job. I understand how difficult it can be for women in full time employment or with families to find any time for themselves, and I'm here to show you how it can be done!

This course is designed to help people in all walks of life, and isn't limited to those with spare time. As someone who also struggles to find the time outside of my work and responsibilities, I'm here to help guide you with my experience and show you the way to take back control of your bodies!


The 30 Day Wakeup Weightloss Plan

The 30 Day Plan That Will Help You To Burn The Fat Off And Feel Amazing Again.
Feel Confident And Love Your Body!

Which is why we created the '28 Day Clean Eating Guide', giving you the tools to easily implement these sustainable changes.  

Following this life changing Guide will help you to lose weight in just 28 days and continuous practice of these daily changes will mean that you will keep the weight off! These steps are so simple that even beginners can follow them.

So, take this next step for the sake of your health and wellbeing.

So what exactly is this going to do for you? Can a simple 28 day road map really turn everything around for you? YES!
Our tried and tested solution gives you the opportunity to feel better, stronger, healthier and more body positive with these added benefits:
  • Boost Your Metabolic Rate
  • Boost Your Mood 
  • Boost Your Concentration 
  • ​​Increase Productivity
  • ​Increase Alertness
  • ​​Increase Your Immune System
  • ​​Lower Physical, Mental and Emotional Stress
  • ​Boost Desirability and Empowerment 
  • ​​See Step by Step Progress
  • ​See Your Achievement
  • ​​Strengthen Your Current Relationships
  • ​Boost Your Sex Life
  • Benefit: Our products are delivered immediately
  • Feature: Explain the benefit of your products
  • Icon: Change the icons in the settings


The new health revolution, taking the world by storm.

Talk about your failure when you first started looking for a solution. Maybe there was a conspiracy against you, a false belief, a misunderstanding. When we first began improving our own lives and well being we constantly found ourselves back at square one. Some diets we tried were just plain stupid, some of the exercises? Too much, too little, poorly researched, poorly implemented or just downright dangerous.  Show how the traditional methods didn't work and you were super frustrated. The process was hard, confusing and frustrating. Luckily we had the time and resources to thoroughly research, learn and educate ourselves. Then, you had an ah-ha moment that brought you the result, benefit, solution you were looking for. We made all of the mistakes and tried every different angle to find and create the perfect programme. One to suit each and every person out there.

Meet the genius behind

Josh Ozanne and his team have over 17 years combined experience in the fitness and well-being industry... They have learnt and made the mistakes so you don't have to.
A curious mind led Ozanne through years of consistent industry research, a continuous personal development journey and a passionate desire to help others all across the world. Planting his stance within the evolving world of Mixed Martial Arts - Ozanne became a competitive fighter quickly learning how to obtain a competitive edge... physically and mentally.

Continuing to grow his knowledge with qualifications and courses over the years - there really is no one better than Ozanne and his team to coach you through this adventure. 

What's Included In The Health Hacking Bundle?

28 Day Clean Eating Guide

This guide is a brilliant, easy to follow and simple "how to" handbook. It contains everything you need to know in order to lose weight in just 28 days with simple step by step processes. It will give you the top tips to achieving success and will also guide you on what to avoid!

In addition to all of this educational information the guide contains a full shopping list of varied groceries and macros in order to prepare and eat healthy, nutritious and tasty meals! Know exactly what to buy, how to make it and when to eat it.

And in this guide, all of the hard work is done for you so you can simply follow the instructions and in return feel more clarity in your life, improving your health and wellbeing. You can dramatically and positively transform your life for the better, seeing weight-loss results in just 28 days!

If you are looking for an easy to follow method of losing weight, boosting your mood and maintaining a happy and healthy future then this is the perfect guide for you.

    Home Workout Guide

    In addition to a healthy nutritious diet, the best way to boost your weight loss journey is by sustaining an active lifestyle. This includes daily activity and exercise.

    This guide isn't going to teach you how to run a marathon or become the next superhuman body builder, but it may kickstart that journey for you! We have included this easy to implement, daily activity guide to get you moving, your heart rate rising and to compliment your clean eating guide.
    An active lifestyle can massively enhance your weight-loss journey. Not only do you burn more calories through exercise but you also release hormones called endorphins which are proven to boost your mood and create a happier internal environment for your body.

    Not only does this have a hugely positive effect on your life but exercise will also aid in reducing the amount of excess skin if you are losing a substantial amount of weight. Excess skin can occur when you dramatically lose a lot of weight over a short amount of time. Exercise and muscle growth can massively decrease the amount of excess skin that could result from weight-loss.

    This guide contains instructional images, explanation of exercises and times to follow. And the best bit of this guide is that you can do this completely in the comfort of your own home. There is no need for a gym membership or over crowded gyms. It is a far easier and cheaper option to improve your health.

    This work out guide, hand in hand with the 28 day clean eating guide, means you could maximise your results in losing weight and keeping it off!
    NOW is the perfect time to STOP worrying about weight related diseases or complications, let alone reducing your life expectancy completely. Take control of your life, it doesn't have to be complicated. This guide is here to help you take the next step in your journey!

    Money Earning Opportunity

    When you become a member you will have resell rights to the 30 day starter programme with the potential to make money! YES every invite, sent by you, that results in another member signing up to the 30 Day Starter Programmes earns you money! If everybody in your downline invites just 2 new members your yearly earnings will look something like this:
    Level 1: 2 members X 10 USD = 20.00 USD
    Level 2: 4 members X 10 USD = 40.00 USD
    Level 3: 8 members X 10 USD = 80.00 USD
    Level 4: 16 members X 10 USD = 160.00 USD
    Level 5: 32 members X 10 USD = 320.00 USD
    Level 6: 64 members X 10 USD = 640.00 USD
    Level 7: 128 members X10 USD = 1,280.00 USD
    Level 8: 256 members X 10 USD = 2,560.00 USD
    Level 9: 512 members X 10 USD = 5,120.00 USD
    Level 10: 1024 members X 100 USD = 10,240.00 USD
    Your total yearly earnings = 20,460.00 USD

    Plus these awesome extra bonuses that you cannot get ANYWHERE else!

    Bonus: Meditation Guide

    This in-depth meditation guide will introduce you to the stress busting world of meditation. Your mind is the most powerful tool you have, but without relaxation and clarity we are unable to use it to its full advantage. Many individuals who are the very best in their professional fields practice meditation daily to stay relaxed, focused and attentive.

    Bonus: The Art of Affirmation Guide

    This guide will teach you all about positive affirmations and why they are so powerful. Affirmations are used by some of the most successful people in the world and 'The Art Of Affirmations' shows you why.
    Providing you with a selection of life improving, positive affirmations this guide will redirect your thought processes and teach you how to bring happiness and success into your life.

    Bonus: The Art of Sleeping

    When you don’t get enough sleep for an extended period of time your fatigue impacts every part of your life. You might notice a decrease in your productivity, daily activities, relationship problems or changes in your personality. Mentally, a chronic sleep problem can create stress and anxiety.

    'The Art Of Sleeping' book will take you through everything you need to get a restful nights sleep from techniques and bedding to relaxing and natural remedies.

    How Much Better Would Your Life Be If You Experienced All Of These Benefits Below?

    Improved Focus

    Reduced Brain Fog

    Feel More Attractive

    Get Stronger

    Lower Stress Level

    Improved Mental Endurance

    Improved Nutrition

    Improve Mobility

    Improved Fitness

    More Confidence

    Improved Physical Endurance

    Self Improvement

    Better Immune System

    Stronger Relationship

    More Clarity

    How Much Better Would Your Life Be If You Experienced All Of These Benefits Below?

    Improved Focus

    Reduced Brain Fog

    Feel More Attractive

    Get Stronger

    Lower Stress Level

    More Confidence

    Improved Mental Endurance

    Improved Nutrition

    Learn Martial Arts

    Improve Mobility

    Improved Fitness

    Learn Self Defence

    Improved Physical Endurance

    Self Improvement

    Attract Success

    Better Immune System

    Stronger Relationship

    More Clarity

    Georgia. B United Kingdom

    "When I first came to Josh I was bigger than I wanted to be, but he quickly made some small adjustments to my lifestyle and educated me on how to fix the problem areas and everything changed for me. It's so easy when you understand what you are doing and it has totally changed the way I feel and look".

    Edward. U United Kingdom

    "Throughout my time training under Josh I have both massively increased my cardio vascular fitness as well as massively reducing body fat (approx 20kg) whilst maintaining strength. I received expert advice regarding different training and diet so increase energy levels and receive all of the nutrients needed to support an extremely active lifestyle. I also received guidance on weight loss methods whilst being supported in my own choices to experiment with different weight loss methods which suit me. 

    Josh also gave insightful advice on these methods due to His expansive knowledge on varying diets and exercise methods which allowed me to meet and surpass my fitness goals.."

    Rory. H United Kingdom

    "I came to train with Josh when I was out of shape and weighed more than I wanted. Josh took the time to take my goals and objectives into account and pushed me hard to achieve them all.

    After training with Josh for over a year I've noticed massive improvements in my physical appearance and athletic performance. He has provided a safe and encouraging environment that has helped me overcome my perceived limitations, as well as development outside of training.

    If you're looking for a dedicated environment for self improvement and weight loss / muscle conditioning Josh and the team will provide you everything you need".

    Elliot. C United Kingdom

    "Josh helped me drop 8 kilos with a mix of dietary plans and fitness to keep me eating right and working hard to burn off what I didn't want. The best part was that I was doing it sub-consciously. The problem with trying to lose weight on my own was that I was always thinking about it, “oo I shouldn't eat that but I want more” etc. Josh managed to keep me feeling full whilst keeping snacking off my mind - nice and simple".

    30-Day Money Back Guarantee

    If you find that after 30 days of following this program you have seen or felt no results we will give you your money back! That's how sure we are!

    So...  What do you have to lose?

    This program is designed to give you the fundamentals of Mixed Martial Arts, whilst also boosting your health and fitness. Achieve your goals and develop a healthier lifestyle while learning to fight, all from the comfort of your own home. 

    This program will educate you on how to obtain a more superior mentality, giving you the foundation you need to conquer your personal ambitions and goals. Achieve successful results in just 30 days! And if it doesn't... We will give you your money back!

    Here's a recap of

    EVERYTHING You'll Get

    • 30 Day Fitness Programme ($497 value)
    • ​Striking/MMA Training Videos ($97 value)
    • ​​Cardio Training Guide ($47 value)
    • ​28-Day Clean Eating Guide ($47 value)
    • Bonus: Meditation Guide ($47 value)
    • Bonus: Introduction To Martial Arts ($97 value)
    • Bonus: 1-1 Coaching Call ($250 value)
    • ​Bonus: Access To Granite.FIT Premium Community 
    • Bonus: Qualify for Granite.FIT PREMIUM! ($ value)
    • 28 Day Clean Eating Guide: Give your body everything it needs with this simple, step by step guide!
    • ​Home Workout Guide: The perfect partner to your 28 Day Clean Eating Guide, maximise your results!
    • ​Bonus: Meditation Guide: Reduce your stress and live with more clarity!
    • Bonus: The Art of ​Affirmations guide - Redirect your thought processes and learn how to bring happiness and success into your life! 
    • ​Bonus: The Art Of Sleeping guide - Everything you need to get a restful nights sleep!

    ($197 value)

    ($97 value)

    ($39 value)

    ($39 value)

    ($67 value)

    Total Value: more than $439

    Today Only: $27!

    GET HUGE SAVINGS. 94% OFF Regular Price


    If, at the very beginning or even middle of my own weight loss and health journey, someone had given me all of this information... I would have snapped it up. Saving hours of intensive research, stress and frustration on how to really start seeing results.

    Yes everyone is unique, we all work in different ways, but the body is a pretty simple mechanism to run when you strip it right back.

    Give it the fuel it needs, subtract all other negative factors and we suddenly see huge changes in our physical health and our mental health.

    When it comes to our own health and wellbeing we can't just sit back and allow it to wait, to see what happens. You have to take control of it and you have to be in charge of your future. The sooner you start, the sooner you begin to see all of the wonderful and life changing benefits.

    Don't wait until it's too late. Start NOW. Start TODAY.

    Remember, it doesn't have to be complicated.

    -Josh Ozanne 
    Your body is an impressive, extraordinary and extremely powerful tool. It knows exactly how to function, process, heal and repair itself when given the perfect internal and external environment. The key to achieving this ultimate pinnacle of function is to establish oneself at the most optimum condition of physical and mental wellbeing. This stimulating 30 day starter programme has been thoughtfully designed as an introductory package.

    So, kickstart your powerful journey to regaining control of your physical and mental wellbeing.

    Copyright 2021 - Health Hacking- All Rights Reserved
    Copyright 2021 - Health Hacking - All Rights Reserved